Author Archives: admin

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Today, I am going to talk about motivation, what influences it and how to overcome demotivation. At first, let’s know what motivation actually is. Motivation acts as a drive to achieve things that you need or want in your life. Motivation can be of two types, intrinsic and extrinsic. We tend to be more motivated when whatever we do in life has an absolute ‘meaning’, for instance, some students get motivated to study simply to get good grades and in the hope to get praise from his/her parents.

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Ways to stay motivated

Nowadays, we tend to continuously look out for available opportunities and sometimes we fail to grab those opportunities that we think are ‘perfect’ for us. Hence, as a consequence, you get demotivated by failure and lose interest to move forward in life. As usual, you lose all your hope and feel like you do not deserve anything good and that you have no control over the things you are doing. You start feeling useless and irrelevant in your field of work.

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Ways to be kinder to yourself

With Coronavirus still putting the majority of our lives on hold, it is easy to become disheartened and we often find it hard to be kind to ourselves. Below are some tips to help you to become a little bit kinder to yourself throughout this difficult time.

  • Forgive yourself often;
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Decision Support Technique

Every business organisation has some standard business processes that need to be performed on the day to day basis. There are many processes that they run daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis based on the business rules and policies. In many cases, the business may need to maintain a specific duration while running the processes. Therefore, it is crucial for the business to ensure its processes are proficient and powerful.

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Ways to become organised

It is usually one of the most common new year’s resolutions, to become more organised. However, with the current covid-19 crises putting lots of peoples plans on hold, and with lots of countries around the world still currently in lockdown, it is easy to understand why people’s motivation and overall organisation may be struggling.

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On Love

Let us learn practical ways to show love on Valentine and in our daily lives

Love can be simple and love can be complicated. To understand the basics of what love is, let us learn from the little children vital ways in which we can love one another daily.

It goes like this: A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4-8 year old kids, “What does love mean?”

They got answers that were broader, deeper and more profound than anyone could ever have imagined.

See what you think.

Our Global Activities

Our Global Activities

We are inviting people to joing us in our upcoming events and follow us on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media to remain informed about our gloabal activities.


Publication and Blogs

We have our unique platform to publish our life learning lessons and observations. Our series of blogs feature success stories of individuals and communities that have been empowered to act on personal and professional development through knowledge and skills sharing.


WCCL Work Experience

We support our team members to improve the professional performance by practically utilizing the knowledge and skill sets that they’re learning on day to day basis when working with us. We encourage our team members to share their ideas finding the way to implement those when viable and see the difference that adds value to our WCCL journey. 



What is Trello?

Trello is a collaboration tool that organises projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells us what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.

It used the Kanban system, which was developed in Toyota as a system to keep production levels high and maintain flexibility.