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Ways to stay motivated

Nowadays, we tend to continuously look out for available opportunities and sometimes we fail to grab those opportunities that we think are ‘perfect’ for us. Hence, as a consequence, you get demotivated by failure and lose interest to move forward in life. As usual, you lose all your hope and feel like you do not deserve anything good and that you have no control over the things you are doing. You start feeling useless and irrelevant in your field of work.

But you need to understand that motivations in life at times, can come from moments of failure that you were simply dissatisfied with. Moving forward after facing failures can become impossible for you. Motivation, in this circumstance, acts as a driver in life, it might drive you to places that are full of opportunities for you. You just need to have full faith in this driver to take you to that one place after crossing the failures in order to grab that one opportunity that you desired. 

So let’s talk about what demotivates us?

  1. We get demotivated by anxiety and doubt. Being anxious and doubtful about your work tends to slow you down. If your doubts and anxiousness are big enough, a part of you will push you to keep yourself in the ‘safe zone’ by making you cautious at every step you take. It will successfully keep you away from exploring opportunities that might both be safe and desirable.
  2. We also get demotivated by value conflict. We have multiple values in life that we take as very important to us. The belief that you can’t satisfy all these values at the same time in a given situation is what makes you feel conflicted. You then tend to juggle between the ‘more and less important work’ to you. This consequently dries up your motivation to work further while dealing with your internal conflict.

In the end, I would say, there are many other factors that might trigger us to get demotivated. However, at the end of the day, I think we all need to come out of our comfort zone and explore this world that is full of opportunities. Doubt yourselves less and prioritize your values. We all should give that one ‘driver’ (motivation) the power to take us to places that we haven’t discovered yet!

-by Shara Hossain

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