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Ways to be kinder to yourself

With Coronavirus still putting the majority of our lives on hold, it is easy to become disheartened and we often find it hard to be kind to ourselves. Below are some tips to help you to become a little bit kinder to yourself throughout this difficult time.

  • Forgive yourself often;

We are often far too harsh on ourselves, and we are often our toughest critics. So, please try to think about how easily you would forgive a friend or family member, and try to give that forgiveness to yourself. Always remember that you are doing the best you currently can be doing given the circumstances.

  • Physical wellbeing;

Our physical health is just as important as our mental health. Always try to go out for a walk everyday to get some fresh air & clear your head (even if it’s just a 30 minute walk around a park, you will definitely thank yourself for doing it & feel much more energised)

  • Nourish and treat yourself;

Please try to treat yourself to your favourite food every now and then, whether its a home cooked meal or your favourite takeaway. Often when we are stressed, we forget about food. However, it is important for our bodies to be fuelled. So don’t feel guilty about treating yourself to snacks or your favourite meal!

Other ways to treat yourself include a ‘spa day’ at home – have a relaxing bubble bath and use your favourite hair products, you can even use a hair mask and face mask to really help relax yourself. In addition to this, painting your nails or watching your favourite movie can also be a form of self care.

  • Learn to say no to external demands, and stop spreading yourself thinly:

Please try to make time for yourself as much as possible. It is important to find the balance between your work life and social life, as well as leaving time for you. Some tips to help you find the right ‘balance’ would be to try and stop answering work calls and emails after a certain time in the evening to allow yourself to have more time.

We hope these tips are useful to you, and that you find a way to implement them into your everyday life. Remember that you are doing the best you can be, and you deserve to take breaks and be kinder to yourself!

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