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Decision Support Technique

Every business organisation has some standard business processes that need to be performed on the day to day basis. There are many processes that they run daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis based on the business rules and policies. In many cases, the business may need to maintain a specific duration while running the processes. Therefore, it is crucial for the business to ensure its processes are proficient and powerful.

Organisations adopting modern technological supports are truly dynamic in changing their strategies to achieve the short and long-term corporate objectives that are aligned to the corporate missions and visions. 

Automating the business processes is the right action to take to transform the business to be fit for the future. However, taking the right decision is vital to achieving the target by implementing the actions at the right time with the right priority in order.

Hence, these types of decisions are hard to take because of either the bottleneck conditions or the dependencies which the processes may have. Yet, all may sound very logical and doable. But the question may come up how to achieve that? How to take the right recession? How the business can identify the right priority order? A lot of questions to answer in this regard. For an ongoing business to achieve these benefits, it is very important to rationalise and systematise necessary business processes.

Steps that can be automated, for example, data import, approval process, data load, and validation process, are ideal for automation and a decision model can be utilised to prioritise the processes in the pipeline. Artificial Intelligence has some great features to make business successful while taking decisions. A form of decision support system can facilitate the perfect form of pictorial presentation of a procedure that shows how information and knowledge are combined to settle on a specific business choice. The proven decision model is associated with the business measures, business rules, resources, implementation, and performance measures in the associations. 

There are three main elements that are used to produce a decision support technique:
The decision modelling technique has various ways to represent the business scenarios using a wide range of notations comprising three main fundamentals, which are:

  • Decision.
  • Information.
  • Knowledge.

To take the right business decision business needs to see how the rules and scenarios can form various pictorial presentations.

There are several ways to produce a decision model. For instance, a decision table is used to show all the business rules needed to make a right decision.

We will continue writing about various useful tools that can be used by the business gradually. . . .

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