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Ways to become organised

It is usually one of the most common new year’s resolutions, to become more organised. However, with the current covid-19 crises putting lots of peoples plans on hold, and with lots of countries around the world still currently in lockdown, it is easy to understand why people’s motivation and overall organisation may be struggling.

Being more organised overall comes with so many benefits. For example,
it helps you feel successful. Other benefits include increased productivity,
stress management and your overall wellbeing.

In this blog post, we will be recommending quick and easy steps for you to
keep organised! Please continue reading to find out more.

1. Create a ‘to-do list’

Write down any task that you want to complete that day. It is best to write
them in order of how much you prioritise the task, and how important they are.
Writing a list will allow you to see your tasks in a much more manageable order
and getting to tick the tasks off when you complete them will give you a sense
of accomplishment and make you feel productive! A top tip is to create your
to-do list either at the beginning or end of each day, so you are fully aware
of what you need to do.

2. Lay out your clothes for the next day

Laying your clothes out the previous evening will make you feel more
efficient, and is guaranteed to save you lots of time, especially if you are
often in a rush in the mornings! This may sound like a tiny and irrelevant
step, but once you start doing it you will become aware of how crucial this
the step is to help you feel more organised overall.

3. Develop a routine and try to stick to it

This may seem like the most obvious step, but this is often one of the
hardest steps to complete; especially during lockdown when most of our routines
are non-existent! Some good habits to try and maintain over lockdown include: a
good sleeping pattern, reading for an hour per day and limiting your screen
time. Trying to develop these habits allow us to feel good about ourselves and
allow to feel like we have achieved something. There are lots of useful apps
you can download onto your iPhone to help you stay productive, some of the
best-rated apps are AnyList, NoteCircle and Slidebox.

4. Organise your workplace and time

This step goes hand in hand, if you organise a workplace for yourself you
should find you have a better sense of your time and are generally more
productive! Attempt to find a noiseless area of your house if you are currently
working from home. Try to declutter that area and only try to keep your
essential items for work there. This will help you to sidestep interruptions
and persuade you to stay focused on current tasks. In addition to this, try to
give yourself 15 minutes every day first thing in the morning to try and become
organised, giving you a productive outlook on the day ahead.

We hope these steps will help you to become a slightly more organised
person! Please try to remember that becoming more organised happens gradually.
Remember, that we are all going through a difficult time right now due to
lockdowns and the global pandemic.

Always try to remember that things will get better and don’t be too hard on
yourself if you are not as productive you usually are!

-by T.

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