
Tips to become more positive & productive in the mornings

For the majority of people, it’s hard to get out of bed in the mornings and have a positive start to the day. It seems that this is the case more than ever right now thanks to lockdowns and our normal routines being put on hold; people are going to bed later, watching Netflix until the early hours of the morning and hitting the ‘snooze’ button on the alarm repeatedly!

It has been proven that having a productive morning routine has many health benefits, including feeling more in control of your day and allows you to form healthy habits. The purpose of this post will be to suggest ways in which you can try to develop a morning routine that suits you, so you feel ready and eager to start your day as soon as the alarm goes off!

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

— John C. Maxwell

Make your bed as soon as you get up:

If you make your bed as soon as you get up, you will have accomplished your first task of the day! This will help make you feel confident and eager for any other tasks you need to complete that day, whether they are work related or personal.

Drink some water – Rehydrate yourself:

Make sure to drink at least a glass of water when you wake up in the morning, as this helps to rehydrate your body. When you’re not properly hydrated it can lead to feelings of fatigue, cause headaches and even make you feel drained! If you don’t like the taste of water, you can try adding bits of lemon to give it a hint of flavour.

Stretch yourself – Get some morning exercise:

  • Exercising in the morning has proven to give your body healthy fatigue at the end of the day – resulting in a much better nights sleep. In addition to this, morning exercise helps you to start the day feeling more energised and focused. Morning exercise doesn’t have to be anything too strenuous, just a walk around your garden will do!

Plan your day ahead:

Planning your day ahead is an important tip for productivity. It will allow you to separate your work life and your personal life. In addition to this, it is useful to plan out your day in the morning as it will allow you to see what your most important tasks of the day are; so you can focus on them.

Eat a good breakfast:

Eating a good breakfast will help your energy levels and your overall ability to concentrate. Studies have shown that making sure you have a substantial breakfast in the mornings can help with weight management, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

These are a few, but if not the most important, steps to ensure you have a healthy, positive and productive morning routine! You don’t have to follow every single one of these steps; but you can apply what suits you to your mornings and give it a try to see if you notice anything beneficial! We hope these tips can make you slowly learn to love mornings, and be as productive as you can.

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